Home > News and events > Press releases Press releases The Baltic Sea region’s waste management for unused medicines must be improved (3.9.2020) Of the measures to reduce emissions of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), improving the take-back and treatment of pharmaceutical waste is considered low-hanging fruit. However, comparable information about the collection, take-back, and treatment practices in the various Baltic Sea countries has not been available. That has now changed. CWPharma, a project funded by the EU’s Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, has evaluated national-level practices for take-back and disposal of unused medicines and other pharmaceutical waste, for better understanding of the overall API situation in the region. The project investigated pharmaceutical waste from households, hospitals and other health-care institutions, the pharmaceutical industry, veterinary practices, and farms. Link to the full press release Pharmaceuticals screened systematically for the first time in the Baltic Sea (21.9.2018) CWPharma, an EU-funded project, has started screening active pharmaceutical ingredients in six river basin districts to get a better picture of the sources, emissions and environmental concentrations of pharmaceuticals in the Baltic Sea region. “We have already collected samples from six river basins and several wastewater treatment plants in Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Poland and Sweden. The aim of the screening is to estimate the overall pharmaceutical emissions in the Baltic Sea region,” says project manager Noora Perkola of the Finnish Environment Institute. Link to the full press releasePress release in other languages:In Estonian: Kasutamata ravimite jäätmekäitlust Läänemere piirkonnas tuleb parandada (Eesti Vee-ettevõtete Liidu pressiteade, 7.9.2020) Kasutamata ravimite jäätmekäitlust Läänemere piirikonnas tuleb parandada (Eesti Keskkonneuuringute Keskus) Eesti Vee-ettevõtete Liit teatab, et homseni (5-7.03.2019) toimub Tallinnas rahvusvaheline üritus ravimijääkide teemal (EVEL pressiteade 6.3.2019) Esmakordselt algab süstemaatiline ravimijääkide sõeluuring Läänemeres (EVEL pressiteade 21.9.2018) In Finnish: Lääkkeiden jätehuoltoa Itämeren alueella parannettava (Suomen ympäristökeskuksen tiedote 3.9.2020) Itämeren lääkeainejäämiä mitataan ensimmäistä kertaa systemaattisesti (Suomen ympäristökeskuksen tiedote 21.9.2018) In German: Im Ostseeraum muss die Entsorgung nicht verwendeter Arzneimittel verbessert werden PDF (Pressemitteilung, Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin 10.9.2020) Systematische Untersuchung von Arzneimitteleinträgen in die Ostsee PDF (Pressemitteilung Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin 21.9.2018) In Latvian: Nederīgo medikamentu atkritumu apsaimniekošanā Baltijas jūras reģionā ir nepieciešami uzlabojum (LVĢMC Presis relize 08.09.2020) In Polish: Gospodarka odpadami farmaceutycznymi w basenie Morza Bałtyckiego wymaga działań naprawczych (Wydawnictwa Seidel-Przywecki Sp. z o.o.11.9.2020) In Swedish: Historisk genomgång av läkemedel i Östersjön (Länsstyrelsen Östergötland, pressmeddelande 2.10.2018) Fisken i Roxen undersöks (Tekniska verken i Linköping, pressmeddelande 7.8.2018) Published 2018-09-21 at 12:14, updated 2020-10-20 at 11:43 Share: More information on pharmaceuticals