Technical Workshop on Ozonation (14.3.2019)

News 2019-03-29 at 12:23

One aim of the CWPharma project is to evaluate how advanced wastewater treatment technologies can help to remove active pharmaceutical compounds. Ozonation is one the evaluated methods. On the 14th of March 2019 CWPharma arranged a Technical Workshop on ozonation in Linköping, Sweden. The workshop was targeted at utilities, authorities, researchers and engineering and consulting companies. 

Workshop program, presentations and summaries:

Session 1: Planning and design of ozonation plants

Session 2: Operation and control of ozonation plants

Session 3: Ozonation post-treatment Handout_Session_3_Ozonation post-treatment.pdf

  • Removal of ozonation products in biofilm polishing, K. Bester, Aarhus University
  • Comparing different ozonation post-treatment systems, R. Gnirss, Berliner Wasserbetriebe
  • Systematic review of toxicity removal by advanced wastewater treatment technologies, J. Völker, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Summaries of the work-sessions:

  • Print page